Infant with Persistent Jaundice and a Normal Newborn ...

conjugated bilirubin high baby

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[high yield shitpost] submitted by FLATChAMPboi to medicalschool [link] [comments]


Me - 42 year old female, 140 lbs, in overall good health, 2 recent pregnancies, 1 C-section. I've had unexplained itching on my entire body for years, about 7 long years which has affected my quality of life. I've been health conscious for over a decade and shop at the health food store, take whole food multivitamins, probiotics, vegan diet, lost weight on my own about 35 lbs 8 yrs ago (though gained weight after my 2nd pregnancy), drink lots of water, non-smoker, no alcohol or soda, use non-toxic products on my skin, hygeinic products and laundry detergent, and am on no meds (aside from 1 for my gallbladder I just started 1 month ago).
I've seen numerous doctors and dermatologists, and went to the ER. I initially attributed it to my cat, something zoonotic or parasitic, mites or scabies with no rash. Interestingly, a few of my family members claimed they had itching too after coming into contact w/me, furthering my suspicions of something scabies-like on my skin. It started as intense itching localized in my nostrils, then spread across my entire body. Most doctors dismissed what I was saying, finally got a derm to do a skin scrape only to find demodex mites (but everyone has them in their microbiome). I was tested for autoimmune diseases like lupus, negative. I took 2 doses of Ivermectin, was prescribed steroid creams and permethrin cream, bathed in Epsom salt, borax, vinegar, used rubbing alcohol -- didn't work. I've had tons of blood tests, got pregnant twice and had 2 babies in 2017 and 2019. The entire duration of my prenatal care I told doctors of my pruritis, and had many blood tests. Still, no one helped pinpoint my problem. Nothing was mentioned like intrahepatic cholestasis in pregnancy or my gallbladder or my liver, as I just found out last month, by way of another ER visit, that I have multiple gallstones and did have impacted stool. I realized I had been constipated for a LONG time and was not doing anything about it. I had a gallbladder attack and was on morphine for days, one stone was in the cystic duct. My CT scan was great aside from gallstones, and I believe 1 tiny kidney stone. Interestingly, I have been vegetarian/vegan and on a low-fat diet for 12 years and my cholesterol is only 145. Though, I do eat vegan processed foods and oils in those are fatty. I come to find out that prolonged low-fat diets can cause stones apart from fatty foods on the Standard American Diet (SAD)because supposedly only fatty foods trigger the gallbladder to release bile, therefore bile pools and conjugates in the bladder and forms stones. I was scared to death of getting a MRI due to claustrophobia, thankfully I found another hospital that has a wider bore machine and got the MRCP done. There I was jaundiced w/high bilirubin, diarrhea, pale stools, malaise, high liver enzymes, and did the ERCP endoscopy that removed several stones in my bile duct and duodendum and had mild pancreatitis. The GI doc confirmed they were stones made of cholesterol. I backed out of cholestectomy as my liver enzymes were lowering and I had no pain whatsoever my entire hospital stay, and am now on ursodiol hoping to shrink and dissolve stones. I also want to try lithotripsy combined with ursodiol. Follow-up bloodwork showed my liver enzymes were almost back to normal, but weeks later I still have tenderness in the liver area. No pain, just tender. I felt so much better after the ERCP but I still am itching. I read that low bile flow can cause it, but can gallstones themselves? I did experiment w/ox bile, chanca piedra, d-limonene, garlic oil extract, Stone Free herbal solution. I've read lots of medical journals on how to dissolve stones and know there are other ways to preserve the gallbladder via surgical methods which eliminate stones, even found surgeons in China that advocate for it. I know the standard of care is cholestectomy but your body can still form stones after removing the gallbladder or post cholestectomy syndrome. I'm now concerned about things like primary sclerosing cholangitis, etc. or something going on with my liver and its been very difficult finding a GI doctor that takes my insurance. I'm also looking for a hepatologist. This has been 7 long years, literally the 7-year itch. Will I finally solve this mystery?
submitted by Miserable-Mongoose to AskDocs [link] [comments]

29M Liver lesion and heart concerns

Apologies if this is too much unnecessary information.
29M, 290lbs, 5' 9, mix black/hispanic; palpitations with trouble breathing; on and off 2 years; cause unknown; 3.6cm liver lesion detected with CT scan with contrast declared most likely benign, ALT 79; No drugs/drinking/smoking/vaping; Prescribed metoprolol

Part 1: Weight loss and initial heart problems
Had a huge weight loss few years back 250lbs -> 185lbs, started gaining it back in a year and at the end of 2017, ~250lbs again, I was suffering from palpitations and sudden shortness of breath. I went in and out ERs and everything was more or less normal except for an elevated heart rate that hit 150-160 while just lying in the hospital bed. At the end of the journey I had several ekgs, an echocardiogram, and was given a ZIO patch to monitor my heart rate. EKGs and echo normal, no reason for tachycardia epsiodes found but there were abnormal events while wearing the ZIO patch. I had an episode of an extremely low HR (for me who usually sits in the 80s) when it plummeted to 34bpm the pulse ox i had at the time read an extremely low oxygen level (I feel like it was in the 70s but it's been a while) which freaked me out and then my heart rate sky rocketed to compensate. I had a few more episodes of my heart rate hitting 150-160 with no obvious cause. I was prescribed metoprolol and told to see if it continues or gets worse.
Part 2: Intermediate period, weight gain
It got a lot better I stopped taking metoprolol, I carry baby aspirin all the time and take it if I feel wonky which happened rather sparingly. Regrettably did not pursue follow up with cardio. I developed what I assume is a tick during this period, I inhale air suddenly and belch it out looked it up and it seems I'm swallowing air suddenly and immediately burping it out, usually happens infrequently but when nervous or sitting for long periods it becomes more frequent. Does not occur when sleeping, occurs less when talking, occurs very frequently while anxious/nervous. I feel down on myself and dieting and end up gaining 40lbs (290lbs current weight) which I didn't discover until last night because I don't use the scale anymore.
Part 3: No heart answers, Liver lesion
One or two more high HR episodes and I've been taking more baby aspirin over the past month or two and then last night I get a big one while eating, I feel like my face is tight and like I'm not getting enough oxygen I use my pulse ox and my oxygen is dropping and hits the high 80s and then my HR skyrockets to compensate and I hit 180 bpm. Double whammy of a high heart rate, being nervous because of a high HR, and being home alone so I call an ambulance. EMT says my blood pressure was ~150/~110 (i feel like it was 153/109 but I cannot remember exactly) but blood pressure after I left ER settled down to 109/71.
Battery of tests to find out what's going on again and everything comes out normal just like it usually does, this time my heart rate never got lower than 99bpm even though I stayed there from 8PM ~ 3AM. Oxygen is intermittently a little low, at least from looking at my pulse ox, I get 91-93 oxsat in my worst moments during my stay otherwise it's normal at 94-98.
They order a CT scan with contrast of my chest, everything looks fine but they noticed a lesion on my liver the doctor said he thinks it's benign but that I need to follow up with my PCP and cardiologist since they still don't know why I get these heart episodes. He says it may simply be anxiety, prescribes metoprolol but tells me to wait a day or two before I start taking it to see if my heart finally settles below 100. When resting in bed I check my heart rate and I've successfully hit 83.
I read my bloodwork and their report and now I can't help being anxious about the state of my liver, the lesion is 3.6cm and one of them noted hepatic steatosis. Now I'm worried about my follow up and I feel like I compounded my health problems by eating myself fatter than when I was already too fat, I cannot help but contemplate the possibility of liver cancer despite how the doctor seemed unconcerned. And now I realize if I don't lose weight I'll destroy my liver, I've never felt guiltier for breaking my diet. In fact ever since gaining all the weight back I've never physically felt so miserable.
Liver tests:
ALBUMIN 4.4 g/dL
Everything else in bloodwork came back as in normal ranges except for
Quotes from imaging:
"3.6 cm hypervascular lesion in the right lobe of the liver, incompletely characterized on this exam. A benign etiology is favored, but the lesion is ultimately indeterminate. Nonemergent MRI can be obtained for definitive characterization."
"There are no enlarged mediastinal, hilar or axillary lymph nodes.The visualized portion of the thyroid gland is unremarkable. Anterior mediastinal soft tissue density likely represents benign thymic tissue.Images of the upper abdomen demonstrate hepatic steatosis There is a 3.6 cm a prevascular lesion in the right hepatic lobe."

Per recommendation I've already scheduled a meeting with my PCP on the 12th, I want to try and schedule another visit earlier (if possible) with another doctor that accepts my insurance. Also per recommendation I want to schedule a meeting with my cardiologist although if possible I'll take any appointment that's earlier (in addition to the one who knows me).
I would like any advice or analysis.
On doctor visits and testing:
Is it pointless to visit a doctor that can fit me in (if i can find such a doctor) before my pcp? I feel like I need to schedule an MRI asap to get this lesion verified. What should I be asking my doctors? What tests should I get or not get? How concerned should I be? What should I ask my cardiologist? What's the best thing for me to do as a patient? Is there anything I should look for when picking a doctor?
On weight loss:
I cannot do what I first did to lose weight over concerns with my heart, my restriction to 1000 calories per day when I first lost weight was too strict and in that weight loss period I had scheduled a month for fasting which I view as impossible with my current heart.
On mental state:
I don't consider myself an anxious person but I may just lack perspective on that, however I can't help but think any kind of lesion is cause for concern and fevered investigation. I definitely am not in my best mental state right now but I'm not freaking out either. However I am feeling low especially when I consider that I may have put myself in an irreversible situation, however remote that possibility may or may not be, which leads me to my desire to get as accurate of a picture of what's going on as I possibly can. I've definitely had an upset stomach and discomfort over this and for now am chalking it all up to hyper awareness of my body, like feeling itchy because you see someone else scratching I have no severe pains only slight discomforts.

tl;dr 3.6cm liver lesion detected with CT scan with contrast declared most likely benign, ALT 79, and persistent palpitations with sustained elevated heart rate, no history of drug use or smoking (no vaping either), no stds.
Apologies for the long submission and thank you for your time.
submitted by Liver_Concerns to AskDocs [link] [comments]

conjugated bilirubin high baby video

peeliya  jaundice treatment  liver function test in hindi Jaundice and Neonatal Jaundice Explained- What is it and How do babies get Jaundice? What does it mean when bilirubin is high? - YouTube How serious is jaundice? - YouTube Our Newborn Baby is Being Treated for Jaundice! Bilirubin ... Bilirubin Metabolism - Biochemistry

Elevated bilirubin levels. A high concentration of bilirubin in the blood is termed as hyperbilirubinemia. These elevated levels of bilirubin can lead to jaundice. Due to the yellow and brown bilirubin present in the blood, jaundice can make the whites of the eyes and the skin appear yellow. Some infants, on the other hand, have high conjugated bilirubin concentrations. These infants may have more serious diseases that require prompt intervention, because increased conjugated bilirubin concentrations are a marker for a variety of infectious, metabolic, and/or liver conditions. @EdRick - First, congratulations on your new baby! Second, she almost certainly does not need a bottle of formula, and giving her one could make it much harder for her to learn to breastfeed. Jaundice is totally normal in newborns and it is rarely dangerous. Newborns have high bilirubin because their livers are just getting started processing it. High levels of bilirubin that cause severe jaundice can result in serious complications if not treated. Acute bilirubin encephalopathy. Bilirubin is toxic to cells of the brain. If a baby has severe jaundice, there's a risk of bilirubin passing into the brain, a condition called acute bilirubin encephalopathy. High levels of conjugated bilirubin in a term baby can indicate biliary atresia, and babies with persisting jaundice must have their level of conjugated bilirubin measured. Preterm infants on long-term parenteral nutrition may develop conjugated jaundice which generally improves with the introduction of enteral feed and weaning of intravenous ... A bilirubin test measures total bilirubin. It can also give levels of two different types of bilirubin: unconjugated and conjugated. Unconjugated (“indirect”) bilirubin. This is the bilirubin ... Conjugated bilirubin (direct bilirubin) —formed in the liver when sugars are attached (conjugated) to bilirubin. It enters the bile and passes from the liver to the small intestines and is eventually eliminated in the stool. Normally, no conjugated bilirubin is present in the blood. Figure 1. Unconjugated bilirubin and conjugated bilirubin ... Serum conjugated bilirubin is > 20% of total bilirubin (if total bilirubin is > 5mg/dL). Etiology of Pediatric Conjugated Hyperbilirubinemia In some newborn babies, especially premature babies, a slight increase of bilirubin can be considered normal ; however, it must always be studied because a high level of bilirubin at the expense of ... M. C. Hughes Date: January 03, 2021 Unconjugated bilirubin is a waste product that results from the process of breaking down old red blood cells.. Unconjugated bilirubin is the unrefined or raw bilirubin present in the body. Sometimes called free bilirubin or indirect bilirubin, it is a waste product that results from the process used to break down old red blood cells. A high level of bilirubin in the blood is known as hyperbilirubinemia. High bilirubin levels can cause jaundice.Jaundice makes the skin and the whites of the eyes appear yellow, due to the brown ...

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peeliya jaundice treatment liver function test in hindi

A bilirubin test is used to detect an increased level in the blood. It may be used to help determine the cause of jaundice and/or help diagnose conditions su... Our Newborn baby (Hunter) is being treated for Jaundice. When the Bilirubin is high and the skin and eyes turn yellow, it is time for treatment. Another nigh... Bilirubin test in hindi/ bilirubin normal range/ bilirubin test/bilirubin test newborn/ bilirubin - Duration: 8:22. Dr. santosh medical awareness campaign 22,440 views 8:22 Bilirubin is produced from the destruction of Red Blood Cells. It is a highly toxic molecule and there is 0.2 - 0.3g of it produced every day in the body. Yet, a normal Bilirubin level is ... Bilirubin is the terminal product of heme metabolism. Heme is present in hemoglobin and in other oxidative compounds such as hepatic mitochondrial and microsomal cytochromes (P-450). Thus plasma ... Most babies have mild jaundice. ... But jaundice should be taken seriously. In rare cases, if the bilirubin level stays high and isn't treated, it can cause ...

conjugated bilirubin high baby

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