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Ex-Student's Opinion on CNU (CPEN Major)

I honestly had a really bad time at CNU, and I regret going there so much. Before I get into the meat of the post, I want to immediately get this out of the way: I am extremely biased, and my experience at CNU is not going to be representative of most people's experiences at the school. I seem to be a magnet for bad luck. CNU is most certainly not a bad school, but it's not all sunshine and rainbows over at CNU no matter how green the Great Lawn may seem. This post is more or less going to be a rant, and long one at that since I want to capture as much of the experience as I can.
I started attending CNU in the fall semester in 2017, and eventually decided to drop out midway through the 2019 fall semester after it proved to be more of the same.
Let's get the good stuff out of the way. The learning community I was placed in was absolutely amazing, and the friends I made there stuck with me the entire time I was there. Most people were friendly, although it was cliquey. The campus is also undeniably beautiful. and despite the desperate cries of my coronary artery, I still long for the buffalo chicken wraps and the beloved tender Tuesday. The fondest memories I have of CNU are wandering around campus with my friends.
Now let's get into the meat of it. I'm going to go through my experiences at the school in chronological order.
Coming into the school freshman year, I found my footing pretty fast, and wasn't challenged very much the first semester. I actually had a pretty good time. The first class I ever sat down and took was a logic course focusing on symbolic logic. It was a very enjoyable class, taught by a very bright and understand professor. We got to build simple robots in ENGR 121 and make them compete against each other, which was absolutely fun and a great way to get to know other students at the school. The professor who taught that class also had some very idealistic views about engineering and often talked about how the mindset needed to succeed in engineering is good for approaching problems in life in general, which I genuinely enjoyed. It resonated with me on a personal level, and made me feel very excited coming into CNU at the time. However, as the semester went on, I ended up feeling less excited. Two of my other professors in particular were a bit questionable. One of them- My CPSC 125 professor- was a last minute hire with no teaching experience. I don't want to fault him too much since he was new to teaching, but it definitely was not a great experience in that class as a result. He often fumbled with the material a bit, but that's ok for the most part. What isn't ok is him teaching us the material incorrectly. A standard practice in the Comp Sci department is taking the overall course structure including lecture content, quizzes, and tests from the department so all of the classes end up with a similar experience. This would be fine, but this practice would come to bite me several times during my stay at CNU. In CPSC 125, our professor taught us one piece of the material incorrectly, then took quizzes from another teacher. In that quiz, it was done properly, so using the method he taught us would result in getting it wrong. That one kind of slipped under the radar for the most part. Only a few people noticed, and for the most part nothing like that happened again, but that problem would go on to become emblematic of the problems would face later on at CNU.
I also had an American Studies class that was a constant headache. Our professor made us buy several books that we only used small excerpts from for one. Again, not the biggest deal, but come on. The quizzes and tests were terrible in that class. The class more or less just had us do assigned reading, and then come to class to analyze it. However, our teacher went out of his way to ask the most inane questions on assignments that were about memorizing small details about a work rather than understanding the work as a whole. He wrote the single most egregious question I have ever seen on an assignment in my entire life. We were assigned Abraham Lincoln's Lyceum Address as a reading, and in it Lincoln says that an outside military force could not conquer the US in "a trial of a thousand years" but the real danger to the United States is a civil war. Our professor decided to ask us a question about that line in particular. Did he ask about the meaning of the line and the historical context of it? Of course not. The question he wrote was along the lines of
"Abraham Lincoln said that an outside military force could not conquer the US in a trial of _____ Years, but danger could arise from within. Complete the quote." with the choices being
A. 100 years
B. 1000 Years
C. 10,000 years
When I read that question, my jaw dropped. How could any person who has devoted their life to educating others write a question that misses the point that hard? Perhaps his intent was to have me remember that quote forever, because that question is burned into my mind permanently.
Later on in the semester, he assigned us a reading at 8 pm via email the night before the class met that we needed to read before the class. When we met, he asked if we got his email, and I replied "Yes, at 8 pm last night." He immediately got defensive, and said "Well, I could have sent it earlier today."
What kind of reasoning is that? That's the equivalent of someone saying "You killed 4 people, how could you!?" to you, and then deciding that the best reply is "Well, I could have killed 8!"
The class was just more of the same throughout the semester, with other squabbles like that happening semi-regularly.
Now, I understand my complaints so far are admittedly pretty petty regarding this class, and you'd be right. However, these experiences would go onto shape my overall perception of CNU as time went on. Attending that class and thinking about how much I'm paying for it made me feel jaded. This semester was the height of my entire experience at CNU, and I only had good things to say about two of my classes.
So the first semester goes by without too much issue, aside from feeling a bit disappointed overall. However, registration came next. I think something was terribly wrong with the entire PCSE department that year, because most my peers got completely shafted during registration and had a lot of trouble getting into the classes they need for their major. I was pretty lucky in that I only needed an override into Math 240 (Which filled up about a day before I could even register). So I go to the office to get that all sorted out, and the guy there was noticeably irritated and was displeased to see me come in with the override form. I get it. The classes filled up, it's logistics nightmare, but don't take it out on me. They end up opening up another section, so everything is ok for the most part, but my peers couldn't say the same. The overall mood on my hall was doom and gloom.
Enter the spring semester. It was pretty uneventful except for CPSC 150, which I'll get to in a bit. I took Phil 202 with the same Phil professor I had last semester and enjoyed it a lot. I don't want to name names in this post, but I'll make an exception for Professor Homan since I only have good stuff to say about him. Bless that man, I loved his classes. Aside from that, the first year writing seminar had very low expectations, and went over basic things that most people should have learned in middle school like how to cite sources. Econ 201 was super basic as well, and I literally played Starcraft during lectures and got a B still (Don't do this).
CPSC 150 I feel was officially "the beginning of the end". The professor I had explained everything very, very slowly. His lectures were around 2 weeks behind the other classes, to the point where even his own homework assignments were outpacing him. I distinctly remember him talking about something that we had to know over a week ago to complete some homework, and he introduced it in class as if it were rocket science and we had never seen it in our entire lives. He said things along the lines of "Now, I know this is very hard, but just keep at it, and we'll understand it all together, ok?" I raised my hand and told him that we already did some problems like that on the homework, and he was taken aback, as if that were surprising. It felt pretty bad sitting in class since his lectures were more or less meaningless since we already had to learn the material beforehand. He also had this one quirk where he'd pull up a powerpoint and copy sentences on the powerpoint onto the white board by hand, which is just kind of silly. One day I noticed he stopped taking attendance, so I never showed up for his lectures ever again unless we had a quiz and I got an A. I will say that he was pretty good about helping students who asked for help and hosting office hours and such, so it's not as if there was a lack of effort on his part. It's just that the pace of the class was just way too slow, and it was to our detriment. Remember how I mention the CPSC department shares lectures and other material? This class was no exception. By the end of the year, we were so far behind in the material compared to other classes that we were an entire coding project behind. There were somewhere around 6 big projects in the semester (I can't remember the exact number) and we only ever made it to project 5 while the other sections taught by other professors made it through all 6. So effectively, by having him we were literally missing out on material.
Let's take a quick minute to talk about housing. I was in the Santoro dorm. It wasn't great, but not the worst still. I was in a triple and it was pretty cramped in there, and our AC didn't work very well so our room was constantly uncomfortably hot for all of us. I guess that's about what you'd expect. The fire alarms were stupid sensitive, and they'd go off all of the time for stupid reasons like putting popcorn in the microwave for too long. There were a few times where it'd go off at 3 am or such, and we'd all have to march outside in our pajamas in the middle of the night. That's all not too crazy, but what nobody expected was for our ceiling in the hallway to start leaking. Near the end of the semester, a leak formed in the ceiling on our hall. It got bigger, and bigger, until the hallway had a perpetual yellow puddle in the hallway. Eventually they slapped down a big trashcan to collect the water, but that leak wasn't done yet. The ceiling tiles deteriorated, and collapsed into the trashcan. We kept trying to get someone to fix it, but the maintenance people kept giving us excuses, like saying it's the end of the school year and they need to cut into the wall to fix it which is a safety hazard or something like that. So a few weeks go by, and the leak is so bad that the water is seeping into people's doors and saturating their room carpets with water, which is absolutely gross. At that point our RA had just had it with it, and went to bat for us, nagging the maintenance people until they actually did something. Turns out their excuse about having to cut into the wall was exactly that- an excuse. Somehow it was ok for them to cut into the wall now that our RA nagged them. I mean, it's not like a huge puddle in the middle of the hallway is a safety hazard either, right?
So, despite having nightmares about the yellow puddle consuming us all, my first year came to a close, and I felt optimistic about the second semester still. I thought that I wasn't being challenged because it's just intro level stuff, and I got a bit unlucky with professors. Turns out I was wrong. My next year at CNU would be more of the same.
When I signed up for CPSC 250 for my second year fall semester, the instructor was TBA. Naturally, I ended up with the same professor I had for 150 because my mom gave birth to me under a leaning ladder while knocking over salt shakers or something. And.... My professor did the exact same thing. Everything was the same, right down to us being one project behind the other class. However, he did even worse this time. He started to struggle with the material. The lectures he would go through were designed by another professor, and he wouldn't even look at them before coming to class. He fumbled through the material, making mistakes in his coding, making mistakes with his IDE, etc. Some classes he spent upwards of 20 minutes just trying to get his IDE (IDE being a program you use to write software on a computer) to work. Eventually it got to the point where he was completely stumped by a problem in the lecture, and he turned to us and asked US "Does anywhere know how to do this?" which is completely absurd! It's absolutely ridiculous to pay tens of thousands of dollars to attend a university, then have a professor ask you to show him how to solve problems in the lecture.
I had CPEN 214 this year, and the class itself was fine. However we had to build circuits using breadboards, and the kits themselves had problems. The IC chips in the kit had their labels worn out so it was very hard to figure out what chip I was even looking at. Some of them flat out didn't work. They didn't show any damage, but testing them showed that the chips weren't functioning properly. It was infuriating to build a circuit properly, and find that it doesn't work just because of faulty equipment. The kits were missing resistors, and finding proper resistors we needed to build circuits was a hassle. The most egregious example was busted capacitors. We had to build a decently large circuit that utilized capacitors, but some people had faulty ones that would completely ruin the circuit's output. It took forever for us to figure out what was wrong, since my friends and I just assumed we were building it wrong. Eventually it got to the point where we constructed the exact same circuits on different boards and some of them would work, and other wouldn't. We narrowed it down to the capacitors. Switching capacitors from different kits out suddenly made the entire circuit work. So when it came time to turn in our work, we ended up having to pass around working capacitors between us so we wouldn't fail. When I say fail, I mean it. The circuit would completely not work at all with the faulty capacitors. Yay.
Now enter Spring 2019.
We get to lovely CPEN 315. Our professor was a very nice guy, and clearly very knowledgeable. But he would always go into amazingly long tangents about things vaguely related to the material that was interesting, but really had little to do with the class. Very little was accomplished in the lectures. By now I had some other problems in my life related to health, and I started skipping the lectures pretty frequently. I kept texting my friend each day asking him if I missed anything, and 99% of the time he would say "Nope. Not a thing." I ended up with a B in that class despite not attending frequently. As for the lab side of it, I really don't like the curriculum for that lab at all. We had to once again build circuits on a bread board. However, the curriculum had us literally build the same circuit over and over again, but larger scale. It was the exact same design process, but just longer and more tedious to design and wire. Utterly pointless, and a waste of time.
I also had some problems with another CPSC class, which I won't comment on too much. I'd just like to share a time when the professor put the attendance code up on the board without telling us, then yelled at us when we didn't see it, saying "It was up there for 30 seconds, you need to be prepared for class!". Yes. He literally said 30 seconds, as if that's an astronomical amount of time to set up your laptop, log into it, open the browser, navigate to scholar, and copy the code down. One of my classmates asked him "Would you mind putting up there again?" and he scoffed at her, and angrily said "YES, I DO MIND, but I'll do it anyways." Real pleasant. The atmosphere was just a tiny bit hostile there. Just a bit.
Overall, not a great year. Academically I felt disappointed since I still wasn't being challenged very much overall, and I felt like everything I had accomplished up to that point at CNU could have been done in half the time if the courses were more rigid, and the professors were more focused. It felt like based on the pace so far, it would be crazy to enter the workplace in just 2 years from then. I felt like I had barely grown, or barely learned anything at all so far. I just had no confidence in my education whatsoever.
But before we move onto my last semester at CNU, we have to cover Puddle 2: Santoro's Revenge. My dorm room at Potomac South also leaked water from the ceiling grate. Fantastic. Also there was... a small insect problem in my room. One night I woke up at about 4 AM to use the bathroom, and when I turned on the light, I heard a buzzing noise. I was wondering what it was, and I looked up at the ceiling grate. A wasp climbed down through the vent and started buzzing around my bathroom. I felt like I was in a scene from Aliens or something, so I just shut the door and walked away. I'm allergic to wasps, and people in my family react pretty poorly to stings, though it's not to the point where it causes spontaneous death. I used the lobby bathroom, went to sleep, and never saw that wasp again. I did end up finding more wasps in more room later on, which was less than pleasant. The room across from me had the same problem, so it was likely there was some kind of nest and nearby and they were getting into our rooms somehow. Yeah uh. Not the most fun experience my life, but I lived and at least I didn't have roaches everywhere or something. Oh yeah, the fire alarm also kept going off at 3 or 4 am in PoSo too.
So I come into my last semester at CNU hoping that things will be better.
Spoilers: It wasn't.
That semester was giving me problems before it even started. So, I bought a parking pass, but didn't have a chance to pick it up since I moved in on the Sunday before classes due to scheduling problems. So I just say, "Ok, I'll pick it up before class starts on Monday, and slap it on my car. It'll be fine, right?" It wasn't fine, unless you define fine as being fined a fine by the university. That morning, I wake up at 6 am to make sure nothing stupid can happen with my parking pass. My class was at 8 am so I had plenty of time to get it sorted out. Here's the problem. I checked my email, and there's an email saying they'll start writing tickets at 7 am. Their parking office opens at 9 am. I checked the office to make sure that there really wasn't anyone there, and there wasn't. At this point I'm a little bit worried since I can already see people in golf carts writing tickets. I wandered around campus to find anybody who I could talk to, but it was a complete ghost town. Eventually I found some security guards, and they told me to just park in front of the library since that's public parking, and pick up my pass after my 8 am. So, I move my car there, and what do you know, there's a guy sitting outside the library writing tickets. He sees me get out of my car, and tells me I can't park there. I explained the situation to him, and said that the guards told me to park in front of the library. The guy just looked at me, paused for a moment, then said "Well, you can park wherever you want, I'm still going to write you a ticket" and drove off in his car. WTF? I got into my car, and started circling around campus looking for ideas. I ended up parking in front of the ticket office since nobody was there. So, at this point I was already incredibly stressed out and having a very bad day. I walked into my 8 am class around 20 minutes late, and fumed for the rest of the day about it. All of that was just incredibly unprofessional, and ridiculous to put up with.
The 8 am class I mentioned was CPSC 327. And guess what? There were more IDE problems. Our professor spent an entire class period trying to fix his IDE. Great. As a fun fact, I told my friend who attends JMU as a CS major about how I had so many professors have problems with their IDE and asked her if that happened at JMU, and she just laughed and said "No, that's ridiculous!"
Honestly I don't remember much of this semester either, aside from it being more of the same. Subpar curriculum overall, etc. I was getting to jaded and upset with the university at that point, and some health problems were starting to really get to me as well. Halfway through I really lost any drive and desire to keep going at that point, and I started looking into dropping out since CNU had not treated me well these past years. But that wasn't before PUDDLE 3: SANTORO'S CURSE. This time our washing machine at Rapp started leaking water everywhere. Saturated the entire dang carpet in front of it, and seeped water into my room as well. Great, I love it. Also our washedryer never worked right in the first place and doing laundry was hell on Earth, taking over 5 hours to do a small load.
There's one last loose end to tie up. Do you remember how I said earlier that my friends were having problems getting classes they need to graduate on time? My roommate in junior year has to take an extra semester at CNU just because he couldn't get into classes he needed to graduate on time. He literally did nothing wrong, and worked hard this entire time, but CNU's physics department shafted him. He was still considered a sophomore in terms of credits in my junior year. Same thing with another friend, who was also a CPEN major. So... Yeah. Fun times.
So, I ended up getting a medical withdraw since I wanted to take some time to sort out my health problems, and also reevaluate my career path up to that point since CNU gave me nothing but trouble.
Overall, I felt that my education was lackluster, and it was really not worth the money at all. I never felt like I was developing as a professional at all, and I never felt any confidence in my own skills that I acquired throughout my time at CNU. I'm currently in the process of transferring to Virginia Tech, and I'll be started in the fall.
Anyways, this post is super long, and I'm getting tired. I would have liked to write a more poignant conclusion, but I'm tired and burnt out. If there's anything I want you to take away from this, it's two things. The first is sign up for PLP or Honors if you can. PLP is the only way to ensure that you don't get screwed over by registration. If you want to avoid bad professors and have the privilege of being able to graduate on time sign up for PLP. I know the tone of this post has mostly been sarcastic, but I'm being serious about this. PLP will save you so many headaches. And the second lesson is.... Don't buy a washedryer combo. Seriously. They suck.
submitted by SkieSkiot to CNU [link] [comments]

[LFA] Kobold Tribe

Hello. If you could draw even one of them I will be really grateful. So I'm currently have little obsession on the point of kobolds. (You can check how big here: ) However most of art of this interesting creatures do not fit my fantasy, so if any of you could help me made them I will be grateful. So my Kobolds is well prosperous stone age tribe, that live near human settlement, so occasional higher technological equipment can be found on them. From all reptiles my kobold closest resemble crocodiles. Especially from the shape of the tail and armor on their back. Does tails allow them to swim with great speed and maneuverability. Som general Informations: - Males are smaller than females. - They rarely change profession they go in to when they become adult. (So 79 year old hunter have 74 years of experience) - Tribe have scales with Red and Green pigmentation, with give mostly Brown scales. - Young is less than 5 years - Adult 5-55 years - Elder 55 - 105 (Pick Performance for Kobolds) - Old 105 + (Few life beyond 130) Changing age group is connected to shedding of skin, and significant metamorphosys in kobold physics. (Usually they go little bigger, scale thicker even its color can change to make theme more vibrant.) - Kobolds are Reptiles. With means that they do not have obvious sexual characteristic (Zero breasts, and genitals hidden under the scales) - Kobold do not have human need to wear clothes for modesty or cold protection. The reason some kobold do wear clothes are: Protection(Armor in combat, hoods to stop sunlight), Religious(Required to perform rituals and ceremonies), Symbol of Status/Profession. Beside that clothes will be a hindrance for Kobold since they so often travel through water. And the climate of their lair (Hot and Humid) will rot them quickly. Only females have actually time and resources to take care of their clothes if they decide to wear any.
Some examples for the Members. Female Kobolds Syta - Syta is Chief Cook with translate to Chieftain of Kobold tribe. She is responsible for day to day activities of the tribe. She only leave nest hen Hunters manage to catch some big game, and she is required to properly participate it. She spend her days managing stockpiles and food supplies. Instructing Gatherers and Hunters what will be the most valuable for the tribe, and ofcourse ordering around young kobold so they properly clean the nest. Syta is over 120 years old, and is very concerned that when she die (With will happen very soon according to her, and never according to rest of the tribe) Tribe will not manage to survive without her. She constantly quiz her apprentices on how properly manage the tribe, how best cook goulash out of various ingredients, and generally being insufferable for anybody younger then her. With means everybody else in the tribe. She hates live Goblins, and have vengeful satisfaction from serving them in goulash. Bringing Goblin meat is best way to be on her good side, for day or two. Her scales slowly lose their brownish/yellow colors, becoming more and more faded. Some grey spot are even show. She love pretend to be old and fragile, but when angered everybody else will have to run as fast as they can if they wish to not get smack with her cast iron ladle. She is very well feed but time hunched her posture.
Uparta - Uparta is a Commander of the Brave Ones. With translate to being a field general of the tribe. Brave Ones are does female Kobold that decide to be eyes and ears of the other females in outside world. Uparta is the Bravest One, and have two other Brave One under her command. In time of Invasions the Foreman of Miners, Master Hunter and Chief Gatherer serf as her advisors. Brave Ones are given the best equipment that tribe have. Uparta have bright blue scales, with are unique in the tribe, and show that she emigrate to this tribe. She is equipped with crossbow made out wood and bronze, she maintenance and clean it religiously. Beside that she is equip with: stone knife, spear and wooden club. Breastplate made out of Turtle shell, and turtle shell helmet. Each brave have two designated bodyguard(Spearmen).
Rozgadana - Rozgadana is Storyteller of the Tribe. With means she is leaving memory and should know all the stories of the tribe hardship and advice how they manage overcome them. Sadly her predecessor suddenly had heart attack, and was unable to pass all required stories. This mean that last 8 years out of 30 she live, she was spending in other tribes, learning their stories to close the gaps in heir knowledge. To the absolute terror of the rest of tribe she continue insisting on meeting s with Story Tellers of other tribes to learn and share stories. But does meeting last only month add best/worst. She is almost always asked about advice, since she have so vast knowledge, but nobody expect her to make any decisions. Her brown scales ar always stained with clar or some kind of pigments. She try to decorate caves of the tribe, however in complete darkness Kobold see in Black and white. So she must carefully choose the colors and for most part she sculpts telif than paint. She often can be found daydreaming in corridor that she was decorating, since judt thinking of event she was sculpting make her relive it in her head. All males kobold adore her for her storytelling skills, since she tells the stories with true passion.
Sowa - Sowa is Shaman of the tribe, her responsibility include, preparing healing ointments, herbs and poisons that tribe will need. She also perform all rituals and is capable of casting few spells. Her scales have deathly grey color, and whites of her eyes are red. Effect of eating to many magical mushrooms. She reached age of 90, with means soon she will become old. She have helmet made out of Owl Head, and cloak made of Owl feathers. Helmet allow her vision through walls and rocks. Beside that she hold a spear with stone tip, and have belt with different herbs and ointments. Sowa just like Syta Claim that she will die soon, they constantly argue who will die first. But Sowa already prepare her apprentice, albino female Kobold by the name Uszatka. More over, Claim Sowa, if Tribe will not survive death of Syta that means that Syta fail as Chieftain.
Uszatka - Uszatka is apprentice of Sowa. She is Kobold Albino. With cause a problem. Normal Kobold do not like going in to sunlight since it dazzle them. For Uszatka direct sunlight is serious health hazard. Prolong exposure could cause her to completely lose eyesight. She try imitate calm and dignify personality of Sowa, but deep down she is spitfire. Some suggest that you make her really angry she will actually spit fire. She is one of thee very few kobold that bother with clothes. More precisely cloak with the hood(Similar to her master) Cloak is black, and Uszatka claim it is magic, but since what exact enchantment is on him change every couple days no one believe her. Despite that she is very competent ad her role, to such degree that Sowa claims that she can die any time and Uszatka could take over. This make Uszatka very nervous since she deeply care for her master.
Kwartz i Olcha - Twin sisters that are Tribe Main Stone Mason/Stone tool(Kwartz) and Carpenter(Olcha). They are rarely seen separated. Kwartz have brown scales with Orange spot, and Olcha have Orange scales with brown spots. They have one big willow basket, that is full with stone/wooden tools they made themselves. They have few metallic tools, all bring to them by Sroka. Kwartz is calm professionalism that is interest in efficiency and usefulness of her creation. Especially since she work in stone and making anything take long time. Olcha on the other hand is more than willing to experiment and try new things.
Males Gryz - Gryz is Master Hunter, and being 79 year old is personification of "Beware of an old man in a profession where men usually die young" He have the most darkish/blackish scales of all members of Tribe, upon closer inspection thy are just that deep green. He is calculating and malicious. He is armed with one of the few Bronze Spears that tribe has, the blade of the spear have green patina on it, since shiny/clean one will betray his position. Beside that on his back is shell of snapping turtle that can serve as his shield. as more close combat weapon he have stone club and stone knife. There are several scars on his body, the most prominent are on his tail, like something try to bite or rip it of.
Kret - Kret is foreman of all Miners in the tribe. He is responsible for maintaining and expanding tunnels and traps in them. He is 49 years old, so soon he will reach Elder status. He survive three invasion of the Lair. First two were by human, third one by Dwarf Assault Unit. The last one he was already a Foreman and his foresight was mayor factor that allow tribe to survive. During third invasion tribe lost "just" 50% of population. With considering it was Dwarf unit is small. He have bright brownish almost orange scales, and access to all possible tools or machines that tribe can provide him. Pickaxes, hammers, ropes, backpacks, rulers, angles, saws and many more. He just inform artisans and they try to provide him with necessary tools to create cousiness and safest home for the tribe. In character he is joyful perfectionist that is equally happy when he builds a hot spring for the tribe, or deadliest trap for its enemies. Despite lacking left arm (That was cut of by mentioned Dwarfs) he do not allow himself to slow down.
Sroka - Sroka is Chief Gatherer. With means he scavenge, plunder, loot, strip, gather and rob everything that tribe need. He and his gang are globetrotter, rangers and scouts of the tribe. They are consider the most stealthy, bold and cunning among the tribe. Stuff that he bring from his expedition earn him a title of Kobold King for two mating seasons already, And one of them was even before he reached Elder age. Now when he is in his "Prime" The Matriarchs of the tribe are worried that he may achieve Kobold King status to many times and cause inbreeding problems in the future. Sroka love shine new things, and consider fact that they are actually harmful in his line of work the only downside of both. He have greenish scales that are often paint in patterns and colors to increase his stealchines. He have bronze long knife, and Belt of Many Pockets, magical item that allow him bring far more items than normal Kobold could carry. With his behaviour he is cross between loveable scoundrel and "Dad of the Tribe."
Zgrzyt - Zgrzyt is son of Sroka and Uparta. With is obvious from the beginning since his scales are in all hues of Turquoise. Blue bluish green, greenish blue and green. This put him in rather strange position for a Kobold Male. Since he have certainty who is his Father and Mother. What make him even more Unique is that he consider himself to be insane. Why you ask? Because he remember time he was human. All other Kobolds see that it is something wrong with him. His very name show that (Polish Zgrzyt means Grind, Rasp, Jarring, Discord) He is the youngest of the mentioned Kobold having bin just 1 year old. He have wicker basket as backpack, leather slingshot and stone knife. Also there are several ropes and vines tide to his limbs since he is responsible for rearming snares spread in the kobold tunnels and around the entrance on the surface.
I found some visuals to help And I know that I act like entitled asshole :? (Or I just feel like one. Really sorry) I DONT WANT: 2x Too skinny and to much clothes: 3x Too dog like (Especially that nose): Pleas make thick tail, that will help the swim like crocodiles:
PS: Little bonus beautiful non metallic Weapons.
I'm really sorry for making so big request. If any of my kobolds cach your attention and you want ask anything more I will gladly provide additional information.
submitted by Bortasz to beastdrawing [link] [comments]

[LFA] Kobolds Tribe

Hello. If you could draw even one of them I will be really grateful. So I'm currently have little obsession on the point of kobolds. (You can check how big here: ) However most of art of this interesting creatures do not fit my fantasy, so if any of you could help me made them I will be grateful. So my Kobolds is well prosperous stone age tribe, that live near human settlement, so occasional higher technological equipment can be found on them. From all reptiles my kobold closest resemble crocodiles. Especially from the shape of the tail and armor on their back. Does tails allow them to swim with great speed and maneuverability. Som general Informations: - Males are smaller than females. - They rarely change profession they go in to when they become adult. (So 79 year old hunter have 74 years of experience) - Tribe have scales with Red and Green pigmentation, with give mostly Brown scales. - Young is less than 5 years - Adult 5-55 years - Elder 55 - 105 (Pick Performance for Kobolds) - Old 105 + (Few life beyond 130) Changing age group is connected to shedding of skin, and significant metamorphosys in kobold physics. (Usually they go little bigger, scale thicker even its color can change to make theme more vibrant.) - Kobolds are Reptiles. With means that they do not have obvious sexual characteristic (Zero breasts, and genitals hidden under the scales) - Kobold do not have human need to wear clothes for modesty or cold protection. The reason some kobold do wear clothes are: Protection(Armor in combat, hoods to stop sunlight), Religious(Required to perform rituals and ceremonies), Symbol of Status/Profession. Beside that clothes will be a hindrance for Kobold since they so often travel through water. And the climate of their lair (Hot and Humid) will rot them quickly. Only females have actually time and resources to take care of their clothes if they decide to wear any.
Some examples for the Members. Female Kobolds Syta - Syta is Chief Cook with translate to Chieftain of Kobold tribe. She is responsible for day to day activities of the tribe. She only leave nest hen Hunters manage to catch some big game, and she is required to properly participate it. She spend her days managing stockpiles and food supplies. Instructing Gatherers and Hunters what will be the most valuable for the tribe, and ofcourse ordering around young kobold so they properly clean the nest. Syta is over 120 years old, and is very concerned that when she die (With will happen very soon according to her, and never according to rest of the tribe) Tribe will not manage to survive without her. She constantly quiz her apprentices on how properly manage the tribe, how best cook goulash out of various ingredients, and generally being insufferable for anybody younger then her. With means everybody else in the tribe. She hates live Goblins, and have vengeful satisfaction from serving them in goulash. Bringing Goblin meat is best way to be on her good side, for day or two. Her scales slowly lose their brownish/yellow colors, becoming more and more faded. Some grey spot are even show. She love pretend to be old and fragile, but when angered everybody else will have to run as fast as they can if they wish to not get smack with her cast iron ladle. She is very well feed but time hunched her posture.
Uparta - Uparta is a Commander of the Brave Ones. With translate to being a field general of the tribe. Brave Ones are does female Kobold that decide to be eyes and ears of the other females in outside world. Uparta is the Bravest One, and have two other Brave One under her command. In time of Invasions the Foreman of Miners, Master Hunter and Chief Gatherer serf as her advisors. Brave Ones are given the best equipment that tribe have. Uparta have bright blue scales, with are unique in the tribe, and show that she emigrate to this tribe. She is equipped with crossbow made out wood and bronze, she maintenance and clean it religiously. Beside that she is equip with: stone knife, spear and wooden club. Breastplate made out of Turtle shell, and turtle shell helmet. Each brave have two designated bodyguard(Spearmen).
Rozgadana - Rozgadana is Storyteller of the Tribe. With means she is leaving memory and should know all the stories of the tribe hardship and advice how they manage overcome them. Sadly her predecessor suddenly had heart attack, and was unable to pass all required stories. This mean that last 8 years out of 30 she live, she was spending in other tribes, learning their stories to close the gaps in heir knowledge. To the absolute terror of the rest of tribe she continue insisting on meeting s with Story Tellers of other tribes to learn and share stories. But does meeting last only month add best/worst. She is almost always asked about advice, since she have so vast knowledge, but nobody expect her to make any decisions. Her brown scales ar always stained with clar or some kind of pigments. She try to decorate caves of the tribe, however in complete darkness Kobold see in Black and white. So she must carefully choose the colors and for most part she sculpts telif than paint. She often can be found daydreaming in corridor that she was decorating, since judt thinking of event she was sculpting make her relive it in her head. All males kobold adore her for her storytelling skills, since she tells the stories with true passion.
Sowa - Sowa is Shaman of the tribe, her responsibility include, preparing healing ointments, herbs and poisons that tribe will need. She also perform all rituals and is capable of casting few spells. Her scales have deathly grey color, and whites of her eyes are red. Effect of eating to many magical mushrooms. She reached age of 90, with means soon she will become old. She have helmet made out of Owl Head, and cloak made of Owl feathers. Helmet allow her vision through walls and rocks. Beside that she hold a spear with stone tip, and have belt with different herbs and ointments. Sowa just like Syta Claim that she will die soon, they constantly argue who will die first. But Sowa already prepare her apprentice, albino female Kobold by the name Uszatka. More over, Claim Sowa, if Tribe will not survive death of Syta that means that Syta fail as Chieftain.
Uszatka - Uszatka is apprentice of Sowa. She is Kobold Albino. With cause a problem. Normal Kobold do not like going in to sunlight since it dazzle them. For Uszatka direct sunlight is serious health hazard. Prolong exposure could cause her to completely lose eyesight. She try imitate calm and dignify personality of Sowa, but deep down she is spitfire. Some suggest that you make her really angry she will actually spit fire. She is one of thee very few kobold that bother with clothes. More precisely cloak with the hood(Similar to her master) Cloak is black, and Uszatka claim it is magic, but since what exact enchantment is on him change every couple days no one believe her. Despite that she is very competent ad her role, to such degree that Sowa claims that she can die any time and Uszatka could take over. This make Uszatka very nervous since she deeply care for her master.
Kwartz i Olcha - Twin sisters that are Tribe Main Stone Mason/Stone tool(Kwartz) and Carpenter(Olcha). They are rarely seen separated. Kwartz have brown scales with Orange spot, and Olcha have Orange scales with brown spots. They have one big willow basket, that is full with stone/wooden tools they made themselves. They have few metallic tools, all bring to them by Sroka. Kwartz is calm professionalism that is interest in efficiency and usefulness of her creation. Especially since she work in stone and making anything take long time. Olcha on the other hand is more than willing to experiment and try new things.
Males Gryz - Gryz is Master Hunter, and being 79 year old is personification of "Beware of an old man in a profession where men usually die young" He have the most darkish/blackish scales of all members of Tribe, upon closer inspection thy are just that deep green. He is calculating and malicious. He is armed with one of the few Bronze Spears that tribe has, the blade of the spear have green patina on it, since shiny/clean one will betray his position. Beside that on his back is shell of snapping turtle that can serve as his shield. as more close combat weapon he have stone club and stone knife. There are several scars on his body, the most prominent are on his tail, like something try to bite or rip it of.
Kret - Kret is foreman of all Miners in the tribe. He is responsible for maintaining and expanding tunnels and traps in them. He is 49 years old, so soon he will reach Elder status. He survive three invasion of the Lair. First two were by human, third one by Dwarf Assault Unit. The last one he was already a Foreman and his foresight was mayor factor that allow tribe to survive. During third invasion tribe lost "just" 50% of population. With considering it was Dwarf unit is small. He have bright brownish almost orange scales, and access to all possible tools or machines that tribe can provide him. Pickaxes, hammers, ropes, backpacks, rulers, angles, saws and many more. He just inform artisans and they try to provide him with necessary tools to create cousiness and safest home for the tribe. In character he is joyful perfectionist that is equally happy when he builds a hot spring for the tribe, or deadliest trap for its enemies. Despite lacking left arm (That was cut of by mentioned Dwarfs) he do not allow himself to slow down.
Sroka - Sroka is Chief Gatherer. With means he scavenge, plunder, loot, strip, gather and rob everything that tribe need. He and his gang are globetrotter, rangers and scouts of the tribe. They are consider the most stealthy, bold and cunning among the tribe. Stuff that he bring from his expedition earn him a title of Kobold King for two mating seasons already, And one of them was even before he reached Elder age. Now when he is in his "Prime" The Matriarchs of the tribe are worried that he may achieve Kobold King status to many times and cause inbreeding problems in the future. Sroka love shine new things, and consider fact that they are actually harmful in his line of work the only downside of both. He have greenish scales that are often paint in patterns and colors to increase his stealchines. He have bronze long knife, and Belt of Many Pockets, magical item that allow him bring far more items than normal Kobold could carry. With his behaviour he is cross between loveable scoundrel and "Dad of the Tribe."
Zgrzyt - Zgrzyt is son of Sroka and Uparta. With is obvious from the beginning since his scales are in all hues of Turquoise. Blue bluish green, greenish blue and green. This put him in rather strange position for a Kobold Male. Since he have certainty who is his Father and Mother. What make him even more Unique is that he consider himself to be insane. Why you ask? Because he remember time he was human. All other Kobolds see that it is something wrong with him. His very name show that (Polish Zgrzyt means Grind, Rasp, Jarring, Discord) He is the youngest of the mentioned Kobold having bin just 1 year old. He have wicker basket as backpack, leather slingshot and stone knife. Also there are several ropes and vines tide to his limbs since he is responsible for rearming snares spread in the kobold tunnels and around the entrance on the surface.
I found some visuals to help And I know that I act like entitled asshole :? (Or I just feel like one. Really sorry) I DONT WANT: 2x Too skinny and to much clothes: 3x Too dog like (Especially that nose): Pleas make thick tail, that will help the swim like crocodiles:
PS: Little bonus beautiful non metallic Weapons.
I'm really sorry for making so big request. If any of my kobolds cach your attention and you want ask anything more I will gladly provide additional information.
submitted by Bortasz to characterdrawing [link] [comments]

House of Eyes pt 2

part one
“What can hear us?” I may not have been as experienced as Wendell, but I’ve been in plenty of fights before. It’s an occupational hazard of being both a journalist and a gobby woman, sometimes you say things that piss people off. If i’ve been able to handle that, I was more than certain I could handle whatever asshole spirit was possessing the library.
“My fa-” Wendell licked her lips, looking away. “The Ancients called them the Udug. You would probably know them as fairies.
I blinked in surprise. “You mean - we’ve been kidnapped by Tinkerbell?”
Wendell shook her head, and though her tight expression was grim, I thought I saw a flash of amusement flit across her features. “Udug aren’t like humans. They tend to identify as either Seelie or Unseelie. You humans too often think this means good and evil, but they don’t have a moral code like you or I do. But a Seelie udug might think twice before killing you outright. We’d better hope that the ones we’re dealing with are Seelie. If they’re Unseelie - well.”
She did not need to say more. I had grown up with cutesy flower fairies, it was true, but my Grandma Ailish had grown up in Monoghan, and she had told me all about the Good Folk. The fairies in her stories had been cunning and sharp-toothed, and were not known to grant wishes for the fun of it. I remembered that she had warned me always to be polite to the Gentry, to never give them my name or make a deal, and that just because they couldn’t lie didn’t mean I could trust what they say.
I frowned at that memory.
“Is it true they can’t lie?” I asked Wendell. “So if they agreed to let us go free theyd have to abide by it?”
Wendell hesitated. “I wouldn’t bank on making a deal with the Udug. They’re cunning with words, there’s always a catch. And you’re assuming you could even get them to talk to you.” she sighed and looked down at the hold architect’s illustration, still in her hand. “If a fairy hill grew up under this library then we’re dealing with more than a small gathering. It’s an infestation.” her upper lip had curled in distaste. “Creatures like that don’t belong here.”
Something about her words curdled in my stomach. “I-” I cleared my throat. “I thought that you. You know. Aren’t human.” the words tasted strange in my mouth, and i had to choke them out. “You don’t seem to like other creatures very much.”
Wendell grunted, not paying me much heed. “Do you like the woodworm on your floor?” she replied. “Or do you sweep it aside?”
“I guess.” I still was not entirely convinced. It was as if doubt was creeping into my head, feeding me questions about Wendell. “Just, everyone we meet who’s like you seems to be evil.”
“ ‘Like’ me?” Wendell snapped, turning to face me. “I’m nothing like them. You’ve hardly had a comprehensive experience of what lives between the world, Esme Buchanan. Not all of us are parasites and killers. Not all of us design these strange games and tests to toy with you humans.” she was looking at me, her unnerving eyes flashing in warning.
I remember feeling anger rise in me at her words, bitter and irrational. I grit my teeth. “You think you’re so above us.” I spat. “Just because I’m human doesn’t make me stupid-”
“You don’t know anything about me-” Wendell began to shout, but broke off as the mirror next to us shattered with a crash. W jumped, looking around.
Wendell knelt and picked up a broken shard., glowing silver in the laplight. She turned it over in her hands, her expression empty. Eventually, she closed her eyes and shook her head.
“We should not fight.” she murmured.”Udug feed on discord, they make people angry. It’s like a test. If you fail you are eaten, if you pass you might escape.” she looked at me. “We need to clear our heads.”
I blinked. For a moment I wanted to contradict her, to tell her that I meant everything that I said. But I could tell she was right. The same fog that had lurked in my mind since entering the library was making me angry and feeding my rage. I shook my head to remove the cobwebs and managed to push back the fog enough to think clearly.
“We need to get out.” I said, sitting down heavily. “What about Saffiya? They’re the only person I’ve actually seen around here. Are they one of the udug things or-”
“No. They’re edimmu, the spirit of and unburied, wronged corpse. I dare say they’ve been here quite a few years. If you looked you’d probably find their remains at the bottom of the lift shaft.”
I shivered, thinking of how vehemently they had tried to warn me from entering the lift. “God. How awful.” I paused. “But if they have been here a long time then they may have some idea how to get out? If we can talk to them-”
“Who knows what they may have seen!” Wendell finished, straightening. “They’ve already tried to help us, we only need to convince them to appear again.”
I nodded, considering. Both Wendell and I had met the spectre on the ground floor, and they had appeared at least once in a mirror.
“I don’t suppose you know how to summon an edi- a ghost?”
Wendell shrugged. “I’m more of an exorcist. But I can try. I’ll have to step out of the circle to do it though.” SHe gripped the mirror shard as she spoke, and I could see it dig into her burned hand.
Gingerly, Wendell stepped out of the circle. For a moment, she gripped her makeshift blade tighter. Then she raised her hands in the air, blood trickling down her right arm.
“Alka, Saffiya, Spirit of this Place. I have spilled blood in your honour and I call on your aid.”
For a moment all we heard was silence, and then a small, wavering voice sounded from behind me.
“It’s been a long time since anything’s been done in my honour.”
They were standing behind me, their toes edging the line of salt. Their expression was as mournful as it had been earlier, but in the poor light of the lantern their face was now oddly shadowed, their deep set eyes and prominent cheeks giving them a skeletal appearance. “I tried to warn you.”
“You did.” Wendell’s voice was gentle. “And we are greatful.” She stepped nearly back into the circle, straightening a loose hair but ignoring the blood that still coated her arm.
Saffiya shrugged. “Fat lot of good it did in the end.”
“Saffiya.” I appreciated that they may have wanted to talk, but I was of the increasing feeling that time was of the essence. “How did you end up like this?”
They shrugged again, nibbling on their lip. “I was a librarian here in ‘64. It was a Saturday job. The library was busy back then, and we did a big redecoration to make it more modern. But the fairies didn’t like that. Mr Elrod- that was my boss - he figured that a sacrifice would calm them.”
Wendell looked ready to spit.
“Sacrifice?” her upper lip had curled again, this time in fury.
Saffiya nodded. “They pushed me down the lift shaft. It didn’t stop the fairies. They don’t care about us. It just focused their attention on the lift. Like a curse. And people stopped coming to the library anyway. I think they knew something bad had happened.”
My mouth had gone dry. Mr Elrod drank at the same pub as me, we’d been on a quiz team together. Now I felt sick about even having shared a room with him.
“Saffiya, I’m so sorry.” I said, though I knew that my words couldn’t cover it.
Wendell stepped next to me. “I will personally make sure that justice is brought to those responsible.”
Saffiya murmured something that might have been ‘thank you’, and turned away, staring out the window at the void.
“When I died.” they spoke eventually, turning but not meeting our eyes, “I became one witht he library. I knew all the books. I saw all that happened. I - I can’t get you out of here. But I can tell you what I’ve read. And what I’ve seen.
“The creatures in the hill - fairies, udug, whatever you want to call them. Everything they do is a test. If you overcome it and confront them, they’ll have to let you go. It’s in their nature.”
Their words resounded with me. I turned to Wendell. “You said they feed on discord, but we’re working together.”
She nodded, just as the light from the lamp died along with my watch. I jumped, letting out a shout of surprise. It was only a second, however, before a light flickered back on. Wendell had managed to find a light somewhere and had lit the oil lamp properly. She passed me my watch.
“Saffiya.” she said. “Can you get us to the udu- to the fairies?”
“To the Heart of the Hill?” they asked. “Sure.” they stepped aside, revealing a set of lift doors that had appeared in the wall behind them. They stood open, flickering light spilling out.
I glanced at Wendell. “Shall we?”
She nodded, scooping up our discarded jewellery. “We’ll want this. Come on.” Wendell glanced at Saffiya as she passed. “I’ll bring you justice. I promise.”
Saffiya smiled as we stepped into the lift and stood, watching us as the doors rattled shut. Then we were alone.
The lift rumbled for a second before dropping. If the journey up had been far, the journey down was farther. We quickly bypassed conventional numbers on the dial, instead showing shifting and changing symbols. Eventually the lift settled with a crash, the dial reading: 𒊮. I looked at Wendell in askance, but she had already grimly noted it.
“They know we’re coming.” was all she said. I felt my stomach clench, but waited in silence as the doors scraped open.
We stepped out together into what appeared to be a vast, underground cavern. There were strange, blue spots of light appearing to grow from random points on the wall. It was only after a second that I realised they were roses, with huge thorns. SOmehow I knew that one touch from those things would not be good. The light rippled, giving the surreal effect that we were underwater
The cavern appeared totally empty, aside from where the thorny, rose-dotted vines converged in the centre, weaving themselves into something akin to a throne. On the throne sat a vast figure, easily over seven feet tall and heavily muscled. His long, silken black hair draped over the throne and onto the floor, and although his skin might have been a light brown in the light of day, something about that strange light made him seem pale as death.
He smiled, his black eyes glinting with a mix of curiosity and cruelty, and brushed a speck of lint off of his cloak, which appeared to be entirely made of ravens feathers. To my shock, Wendell spat at him.
“I suppose you think this is funny?” her tone was light, but I could feel her fury. I wondered vaguely how she had become so suddenly angry, but forced myself to focus on the figure.
His eyes narrowed cruely and his lips curled into a smile. “I wondered if the two of you would make it down here.” I winced as he spoke. His voice sounded both like the voice of a normal man speaking, but also the voices of thousands, superimposed on each other. “What brings you to the hall of the Rose King?” he straightened, his face morphing into a charming smile as he laughed in the direction of Wendell. “Does this form upset you, little one?”
She ignored him. “We’ve passed your test.” she spat. “We worked together, along with the spirit, Saffiya. You won’t be feeding on us today.”
The Rose King laughed and a shiver washed through my body. He arranged his face into the picture of geniality.
“So you have. Well done!” he clapped, and waved his hand. Behind him a vast, rose encrusted door folded out of the darkness. “And thee’s the exit. You earned it.”
I made to step forward, but Wendell stopped me.
“Just like that?” she asked.
The Rose King’s smile was hungry. “Just like that.
Wendell glared at him for a moment, and then nodded. We skirted around the throne, never quite taking our eyes off of him. We stepped through the door and then-
I was suspended in the void, alone, with nothing but the blaring silence of company. I couldn’t begin to tell you how long I hung there, screaming to be rescued. I don’t think that time exists in the void. But eventually a figure melted from the nothing, casually adjusting his feathered cloak.
The Rose King smiled, and I realised with a jolt that his teeth were long and sharp, more needle than bone.
“Your little friend is not as wise as she thinks, human.” he spoke genially, as if we were chatting over tea. “You were tested and passed. She… well. She wasn’t part of the plan. And frankly I am loathe to let so precious a prize go to waste.”
I grit my teeth. “You told us we could leave.” I hissed. My throat was raw from screaming, but I could still manage enough to speak to this magical floating asshole.
“Did I?” he chuckled. “I don’t recall. But Sofie Wendell is so very angry at me. And you know, with that much anger she may not be able to pass through the door. Then she would be stuck here. Her people are strong, you know. But so am I. If she tries to escape me I simply cannot guarantee her safety. That is, unless-” he looked at me, knowing that he had me caught. “Why. I do believe that if we came to some sort of arrangement I would be able to ensure the young madam passes through the door safely.”
I wanted to strangle his bony throat. Wendell had earned her exit fair and square. The Rose King had deliberately antagonised her in some way so that he could play his games.
My hands balled into fists. “I have nothing to give.”
“Oh but you do.” he was giving his genial smile again, as if he was the most reasonable man in the world. “I only want a favour. Some day I will call you, Esme Buchanan. And when I do, you will come. Failure to agree to these terms… well it doesnt bare thinking about.”
I closed my eyes, trying to steady my breathing. Wendell had come to my aid without question. Without her, my entire town may have been wiped out.
“Sure.” I said. “Fine. I agree to your terms.”
I opened my eyes, and so did the void. It was everywhere, all encompassing. Trying to process the vastness of the void’s eye, what it was, sent my head spinning and my stomach churning. There were thousands of lives in it, watching and hearing.
The Rose King smiled as my eyes started to bleed.
“Then we have a deal.”
I woke up, gagging and gasping for breath on the grass outside the library. Wendell was crouched over me.
“You fainted when we left the library.” she told me. “Are you alright?”
I thought about the Rose King, about our deal. I thought about the massive eye of the Udug. I shook my head. “I’m fine.” I lied. “Just woozy.” I couldn’t tell her about my deal. Not yet, at least.
Wendell helped me to my feet and for a moment I thought she was going to say something more. I wanted to talk to her. I wanted to ask her why the Rose King’s appearence had made her so angry. I wanted to tell her what I had seen.
She turned away.
“I’ll make certain that Saffiya’s murderers as dealt with appropriately.” she said. “Maybe then she can find peace, and the library won’t be quite so dangerous to the town.” she glanced at me. “You should get home, Esme. It’s been a long night.”
I nodded silently in agreement, and within an hour I was in my own bed. But I didn’t sleep. Instead I’ve been typing this up.
I don’t know what I’ve agreed to. I don’t fully understand what’s happened, and if anything, it’s made me realise quite how dangerous the super-natural can be.
All I know is that some day, the mass of creatures under the library will call to me. And God save me, I will have to answer.
Hollow part one Hollow part two part one
submitted by EBuchanan-PI to nosleep [link] [comments]

(Mystery Skulls Animated: Hellbent) What REALLY is Lewis? And why does he have SO many powers? I have some theory's about that

So this video is a review and compilation of theories for the Web series of Mystery Skulls Animated. Here I go through the last installment of the three videos, giving my understanding and thought process on what happened to the characters. This mostly stems around Lewis, the specter of the cast, but I go through the topics of the other characters This includes Vivi's ancestor, Shiromori, Mystery and a bit on Arthur's Uncle Lance. I'm also including the entire script of the video so if you don't want to watch it you can read through my entire discussion, though some of the jokes are more visual so they won't make since. I would love to hear your feedback either here on reddit or on youtube.
For the video check here
And here is the script.
Two Years...Two long years I’ve waited for this. I’ve been dying to see the continuation of the Mystery Skulls Animated series, and now that it's finally out… I Was totally Blown Away! Completely and Utterly
Hellbent is levels above the last two installments in just about every way I can think of.
Firstly, the character designs, lighting and backdrops look so fantastic and detailed. Compared to Ghost and Freaking Out, the difference in quality is night and day! Just look at that beautiful sky and the scenery for example!
The animation itself is much smoother. I could see the puppet style animations in the first one and not quite as much in the second, but in Hellbent I’m not sure if there were any at all. The characteristic head bobbing takes a bit of a back seat however because there's a lot more movement.
Even the story is improved, there was so much in fact that Ben couldn’t even fit it all into one song. The animation starts out with another tune by Mystery Skulls, called Every Note. (Which has lyrics of being sold out and how much it hurts, I wonder why that was put in here?) Ooooh and the suspense! The tension rising as the music slowly crescendos and grows higher in pitch at the beginning! I was nearly falling out of my seat! [show stream]
On the topic of sound, the sound design is so superb. From the subtle snoring of Vivi, the soft sighs from Arthur, to the gentle whirring of his mechanical arm moving, the whole intro is filled with little detailed sound effects. They even change to match the location. When outside, everything fights against the windy backdrop, and when inside the van, all the sound has a tinny echo tone to it. Props to Strelock for those fantastic additions.
You know what, the entire team deserves as much praise as they can get. Good on you guys, I'm so glad to see Ben and his friends grow and prosper, especially with how awful youtubes system is nowadays for artists.
Well...looking back at my own videos I feel like I too have grown a lot since then.
Enough reminiscing and praise from me. I know what you’re really here for, the review… and the theeeeeoooriiiesssssss
Hellbent starts out with Arthur working on the Mystery Mach...Van. Poor dude, it seems he’s doing most of the work while Vivi sleeps the entire time. Looks awfully familiar, am I right married men? [Show a comment saying “MisterSkids is a misogynist, insensitive pig and should be thrown in Jail so he can be with his new Butt Buddy, Bubba!”] Oh come on! It was just a freaking joke! God damn SJW bastards...grumble grumble.
As he hops into the van…yeah this is pretty adorable. Once inside he turns to find Mystery sitting next to him and freaks out. I guess he hadn’t recovered from that initial nightmare vision from the earlier. Dude Chill, you’re in an enclosed space, of course he would be nearby, where else would he go, Detroit?
As Arthur calms down he touches his left arm which seems to be a compulsion whenever he's near him. The mechanic however shoves back his fears and starts petting mystery in an act of kindness and bravery on his part. It’s the most adorable and affectionate scene and it also visibly relaxes both Arthur and Mystery who seems to be quite tense after finding the Shiromori flower petal. I mean...WHO WOULDN'T?! [Show crazy faced image of her]
As Arthur starts up the van, we get a nice bit of foreshadowing with the keychain being the symbol for the Kingmen’s Mechanics. As he takes off and we get a fresh reminder that the crew isn’t out of danger yet.
The shot fades to the night sky, than pans down to the van traveling a lonely stretch of road. Everything seems hunky dory until something starts happening to the radio. The same electrical energies from Ghost start to spread to the van itself when a single word appears, Hellbent. As if hit by an EMP blast, the van shuts off and begins to slow down, much to Arthurs dismay.
Before he can even begin to question what's happening, he sees something in his rear view mirror As Arthur takes a closer look, he sees a huge mac truck is barreling down towards them and begins to panic, trying the key over and over again. In an act of desperation he slams his mechanical arm on the dash and cracks it, causing the electrical charge to jump into his arm, quickly short circuiting it with a terrible scream.
Again there's no time to think as a terrifying silhouette creeps up on the Mystery Skulls Crew. As Arthur notices this, he goes full Mad Max as he slams the petal to the floor. Quickly giving chase, Lewis follows behind them with that monster of a truck.
During the chaos, Vivi starts to come to, but her bat comes slamming down on her head, sending her promptly back to beddy bye land. Poor girl can’t catch a break, huh?
In the next shot we are shown a top down view of both vehicles. In it you can see the license plate on the truck actually says Hellbent, because of course It is.
Inside the truck we find that Lewis is surrounded by the same three Deadbeats from Freaking Out. Don’t worry, I’ll get back to them later.
Arthur and Mystery ain’t gonna be catching no breaks either though as it turns out Lewis isn’t there only pursuer. Evil literally rears her ugly head from the ground in front of the van, becoming a worse hitchhiker than SCP-1337.
Taking out her scissors, Shiromori begins tearing apart the van’s windshield and once through, gives Mystery a slash, drawing a line of blood. I want you to remember this look because I’ll be discussing it later.
Back at the truck, Lewis is looking at his heart locket as the blue flower petals fall out and dissolve. He steels his resolve and throws a fireball from his fist, landing it square onto the vans tire, causing it to pop.
This jolts the vehicle, flinging the overgrown weed from the van and into the road. Can we all just...appreciate how freaking amazing Shiramori’s meme faces are? I could take nearly any one of them and slap the Impact font and it’d totally work.
Shiromori of course survives and becomes quite agitated, though this emotion doesn't last long as the Ghost Semi turns her into roadkill.
Having lost one pursuers they give a sigh of relief, however this moment of relaxation is short lived as they lose control of the Mystery Skulls Van and are sent careening off the road. As luck would have it, they crash right into the Kingsmen’s Mechanics. In here is Lance, Arthur's Uncle and owner of the garage.
According to Ben, he’s a bit gruff,but also very protective of his Nephew and friends. He doesn’t really understand all this paranormal stuff or robot tinkering that Arthurs into, but it looks like he might be getting into learning to build more complex machinery.
Firstly that metal object doesn’t look like any car part I’ve ever seen, and while I’m not one myself I grew up in a rather large family of mechanics so I’ve at least picked up some knowledge. Secondly, the book here looks very similar to a “For Dummies” title. He might actually be improving on robotics for Arthur, as a way to help him with his arm or to be a better person.
It also is noted that he wears a championship pro-wrestling belt, which he denies furiously that he used to do. And yet he has second one as sitting in his office...hmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
Being startled awake, Lance flies out of his chair and looks outside his window to find quite the terrifying scene, his nephew unconscious inside the van while a big purple monster truck parks out front. Thinking quickly, this mechanic grabs a nearby double barreled shotgun and umm pump it...HMMMMMMMMM!
Now we start getting into the real juicy stuff. As both Lewis and Shiromori arrive, images start flashing in the background to the beat during this tense scene, as the music grows more frantic and a female singer joining in the background. The song alternate singing between the two vocalists, at the same time as we alternate between the two Hellbent characters.
The first Flashback image is Lewis when he was still alive at the Pepper Paradiso, a restaurant he was a working as a waiter. I believe this was from his perspective due to the way Arthur looks in these images. We see a happy Vivi and Mystery but Arthur looks glum as he looks over his shoulder at Lewis.
With Shiramori, her’s is a tale we have not yet heard so this is all new lore. Her first one shows Mystery in his Kitsune form, standing above a familiar looking flower. The plant itself is glowing so it’s possible it had magical properties which is why Mystery was drawn to it
This forest looks to be either very spooky and possibly dying, as there isn't much growing on the trees and we only see some underbrush here and there.
Lewis tags back in with him holding onto Vivi, carrying her in his arms lovingly as he wears an apron. It's safe to say this was from the same moment he was remembering before.
In the background we see Arthur with another sad look. I’ve seen that look before, a feeling I know personally, that's a look of a guy that’s a third wheel. [Show a comment on the Arthis ship with Lewis] Don’! God damn fangirls...grumble grumble.
Anyways, Lewis must've noticed this as well if this is how he perceives things. After his death he must’ve looked back on their relationship to understand Arthur's supposed reasoning behind his attack. He must’ve seen him looking like this and and concluded that this was why he killed him.
We turn back to good old shrub face as she pops out of the ground. Her background shows Mystery’s paw hovering over that plant, droplets of blood pouring over it, corrupting it with his magical essence.
Here it is! The true reason she’s chasing him down. It’s not for revenge or hatred, she wants his blood. Just look at the way she stares at him in this scene, an evil grin more akin to an obsessive person about to get what they want than angry PERSON seeking to kill. She had the same look in her eyes back at the van as well, her eyes were even trained on that line of blood and her reaction was immediately like a drug addict about to get there next fix. There’s even lyrics in the song itself to help support this [either show this or play the sample] Hellbent on drugs cause they turn you on.
As the two approach their prey we get a flashback to Lewis being pushed off the edge of the Cliff back in Ghost. However as you can see, from his perspective he only saw a crazy grin and look of malice in Arthurs eye. He never saw that poor Arthur was being possessed because how could he? It was over in only a second and then he was falling into an abyss. Over on the other side of the van, Shiromori approaches as we get a glimpse of a brand new character in her flashback. A blue haired ninja, or the proper term, Konichi, standing before Mystery who lounges about in a blue tree.
This seems like much later since the last two Shoramori Flashbacks now that there's an entire forest of these strange plants. Mystery grins triumphantly and mischievously down at the unknown girl, who is trapped by the roots of the magically changed forest.
Below him you can see a Samurai helmet as well as a katana, and on several trees there are arrows scattered among them. Hazarding a guess, I would say that Mystery’s been luring people and warriors to their death here, using the Shiromori trees to trap them before killing them.
He was probably feeding the trees or Shiromori herself the the blood of these victims. They were twisted by this vital flood so they probably needed it to survive or grow stronger. It be an agreement, the Kitsune supplied her with blood and in turn the forest would protect him.
Now back to the girl, maybe she fell for the same trap, or perhaps she’s here to stop Mystery. There could also be more to this story than meets the eye than just fighting an evil spirit. Maybe she needs the magic of a Kitsune to help her family or village.
Back at the Purple Poltergeist we get one last flashback. Many would consider this one unimportant, heh heh, it isn’t to me. Here we see Lewis at the bottom of the cavern that he died in, having now become a Ghost.
Now I am confident this moment is very crucial to the story, more so than just Lewis becoming his specter form. If you remember my last theory video, I claimed that he could have been into magic before passing away. If you haven't, go watch it, links in the description.
After seeing this image I am 100% positive he did! Back in the One of Us announcement we saw Lewis holding two dead beats... Looks familiar doesn't it? It’s the exact same form that Lewis has in this flashback. That means that right after this moment, he would release the Deadbeats from their jars. I highly doubt he caught them right in the cave and instead pulled them from his pockets. The jar even has a green tint to it, perhaps it just the glass but it could also be the green hazy light of the setting.
Now why would a normal guy be holding onto bottled specters like a five hour energy drink? [Editor’s Note OH GOD WHY WOULD YOU EVEN MENTION THIS *cries* Because I can!] The strongest possibility comes back to Lewis having occult knowledge.
We keep seeing new abilities too, like how he turned a physical truck he possessed into a fiery energy to get it through a tunnel. Or how he transformed the inside of the that truck into a replica of the old cavern, manifesting things just like how he made an entire mansion back in ghost.
“How can a Ghost carry things on them after death Skids?” might be the first question somebody asks. The answer is...THAT IS HIS BODY! This entire time Lewis has been using his human body, meaning he is a Revenant, a corpse or GHOST that returns with the same soul. This is usually for revenge or to haunt the living.
Though revenants are usually rotting dead bodies, I don’t think that Ben wanted to disgust people and keep it closer to its inspired media, Scooby Doo. Lewis does share one trait with them though, powerful glowing eyes.
I know he’s been using his body because back in Freaking Out I mentioned that there were several locations mapped out on Arthur's computer, many of them images of Lewis’ head with question marks, as though Arthurs been searching for him.
Why?..You know I keep asking questions and it feels like this is turning into a pop quiz.
Anyways, it's because there was no body found at the bottom of the cave! I had theorized back then that Arthur knew about Lewis turning into a spirit, but later on in Hellbent he reveals himself to him. The reaction from this was pure shock, Arthur thought he was alive! He’s so spellbound by this information that he hasn’t even started screaming as he falls towards a pit of spikes!
There is a small chance that the Deadbeats are a physical form of his emotions, and that he was ‘bottling’ them up literally. But we see Lewis express so many emotions other than anger that I have a hard time believing that.
As the scene cuts back to Shiromori, we see the strange warrior once again, this time however she has freed herself from the trappings of the tree’s and is fighting the Kitsune. She’s doing a pretty good job kicking his ass too , he’s absolutely covered in cuts.
Another note is that she’s using one wicked looking magical ice sword, however in the last flashback we see her carrying a normal looking katana. Perhaps she can transform the sword or she creates this one using an ability, I’m not certain but it probably gives her an...EDGE against Mystery. [Badum Tish]
Some people are saying that she’s Vivi from a past life seeing at how many similarities she has, or at least a descendant of the mystery konichi. The blue hair and its similar shape, the blue scarf, her facial structure and body shape all match. I’ll go one step further and suggest that it’s Vivi’s Grandma Yukino. She doesn't look exactly like her but she may have shrunk with age and changed her hairstyle, plus she was originally from Japan before moving to America.
Back in the present Shiromori is approaching Vivi and Mystery, scissors at the ready to cut down the disguised doggers as she beckons. She tries to go in for the kill but she id denied.
After she gets her head straight, she gets a good look at her attacker which causes her to ‘freak out’. To her, Vivi reminds her of the mysterious ninja, causing her to falter. You know, this is the first time we see this character genuinely afraid. She wasn’t scared of Lewis nor Mystery, so this girl must have some amazing skills or abilities to do that.
In the background we can see the fox spirit all cut up from his battle with the girl. Going back to earlier, it was likely here that Shiramori turned against her former master, finding his blood to tastey to resist.
However, why the Konichi is now defending him isn’t clear. Again she might need him alive for some reason like lifting a curse.
Back in reality, it's of course Vivi having a paranormal fangasm over seeing a spiritual spoop. Popping out from behind the flabbergasted gal, Mystery gives a nervous smile and a shrug once Shiro spots him, unable to provide an answer to her questioning gaze.
She doesn’t seem to pleased with that answer however as she summons her SUPER SCISSORS! Cutsman eat your heart out.
Note that she begins to blush pretty badly beforehand, perhaps she’s feeling a bit jealous now that he has a new defender.
Grutt goes all out in her attack and sends both Vivi and and her bat flying, good thing that bat was enhanced with a spiritual charm called an Omamori...I think. Its in Kanji and says Kanai Anzen, which means safety of one's family or peace and prosperity in the household. It’s a very typical japanese charm, but I’m wondering if it has special symbolism for the character and the story. It may have been made by her Priestess looking Grandmother or her Biker looking dad.
As the puppers starts getting pissed, Arthur wakes up to the worst Nightmare, INSURANCE CLAIMS! Oh and of course the vengeful ghost of his best friend trying to kill him, I guess that's pretty bad too.
As he begins to scream in pure terror, there's a quick glimpse of our specter friend’s expression changing. He looks...uneasy here, nervous even, definitely not the look of somebody determined to kill another. In fact he seems to be constantly pushing himself to do these sort of things, always looking at his heart or touching it for strength.
That look lasts for about a whole of one second before he chucks Arthur into the truck like a sack of potatoes. Falling into the darkness as a glaring Lewis stands above him, he touches down onto a red carpet to the greatest show on earth, the cave where Lewis died in.
The Deadbeats make another appearance as they scare the Yellow Mechanic into running for his life. Except for that one’s that always look depressed and happy, they don’t seem too interested in this excitement
He takes off running, being chased and guided to the cliff edge where it all began. Nearly running off it, he begins windmilling enough to even confuse Don Quixote. Just as it seems like he narrowly avoided death, somebody has a BONE to pick with him.
Snatching the smaller dude up, Lewis carries him with a single hand and dangles Arthur over the edge. As he kicks and struggles, his metal arm begins to move again as the effects wear off. Lewis finally reveals his true face, and lets go of his best friend. As he begins his plummet the screen splits into five sections with our main cast members.
Shiromori prepares to strike down the fallen Vivi as Mystery starts transforming into his Kitsune form. Meanwhile Lewis’s instant regret is plain to see. His eyes reflect a “What have I done” feel while his heart shatters. In Ghost it went slightly blue and the crack was minor, here it's far worse and the color and cracks shows that he hurt himself badly.
Leaving us on a literal Cliffhanger, the animation cuts to one last logo at the end just like in Freaking Out. As with the other one, this is a clue from Mystery Ben about the future. The top half is several craggy stalagmites with a small star above it, that’s gots to be Arthur falling like MC Hammer's career in the cave.
Meanwhile the letter M looks like its dripping, an indication of Mystery feeding that flower his blood. And that flowing scarf is probably the same one as the Mystery Girl’s, both these indicate we’re going to be finding out more about Mystery, Shiromori and the Konichi’s past in the next installment.
Than a shot rings out as a hole is blown in the center of the image, which is Lance with his impossible gun (Insert “Well he is a mechanic, he could of made and designed a shotgun’ Than have an anvil fall on his head). What he’s shooting at though is the question. There's a few possible choices.
The first is Lewis, if Arthur couldn't recognize him I doubt Lance can. Lewis might be inside the truck still, but he could be shot at once he comes out of the truck, with or without Arthur.
If he comes out with Arthur, Lance might get really protective of him and attack the strange being holding him. If he doesn’t come out with him, maybe he seen Arthur taken and attacks Lewis for this. Either way I doubt that this will happen, it would be pretty sudden and leave Vivi and Mystery to deal with Shiromori, but I can't rule out the possibility.
The second person that could be at risk is Shiromori, and this is the one I lean towards the most. Like I said, Lance is protective of Arthur's friends too, not just his nephew. Seeing the Blue Nerd in danger he would shoot at the offender, though that only would delay this Kodama. (Yes I still believe she is a Kodama of sorts!)
The Third option and darkest of all...he could possibly fire at Mystery. The doggo could save Vivi and end up chasing her attacker away, but Lance could miss this. Mistaking this giant creature to be hurting the poor Paranormal Enthusiast. This again is in the minority, but it would be a tragic end that would move a lot of people to tears, and we know that this story is already tragic so its not out of the question.
...Or he could just fire in the air...Ah don't know.
And with that ends our little story...for now until Ben and his crew can make the next one.
WHICH- I’ve got a feeling that the next song’s gonna be “One of Us”, it's too perfect a choice, and the image Mystery Ben dropped may have been a hint to it. Do you reaaaaaly think that Ben is just going to completely kill off Authur? Of COURSE NOT!
So what are your thoughts on the matter? Was there something I missed or did you have your own theories about the video?
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BIP39 Words list

Nothing special, just a copy of the current list (for the future) of what can be found at
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